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Steady Operation, focus on Development, Riding the Wind, breaking Waves and Set Sail The board of directors of Mobi was successfully held in Shenzhen in 2023.

On 22 March 2024, MOBI Development Co., Ltd. held the annual board of directors, nomination committee and audit committee of 2023 in Shenzhen by combining online and in-person. Committee and Remuneration Committee, Mr. Hu Xiang, Ms. Zhou Lingbo and Mr. Ye Rong are executive directors of the Company, non-executive director Mr. Qu Deqian, independent non-executive director Zhang Han, Mr. Li Tianshu, Ms. Ge Xiaojing, Ms. Wu Qian, Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Liu Rong, Secretary of the Board of Directors, and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Auditor, attended the meeting. 

In 2023, the downward pressure of the economy continued to increase, the international situation was complex and changeable, and geopolitical conflicts and black swan incidents occurred frequently. The external environment is relatively bad. Based on years of customer and product accumulation, through the unremitting efforts of the management team, the company's business situation has remained basically stable. The operation has been greatly improved. The directors made suggestions on the strategic direction and business prospects of Mobi in 2024 and expressed their confidence in the future development of Mobi.

At present, China has built the largest 5G network in the world, and the development of 5G in China has entered the second half. With the comprehensive development and optimization of basic network construction, the communication industry will usher in sustained growth space. At the same time, overseas 5G development prospects are still broad. According to the statistics of TD Industry Alliance, by the end of December 2023, the total number of 5G base stations deployed in the world exceeded 5.17 million. It is estimated that there will be 6.5 million 5G base stations in the world in 2025.In addition, the 5G era has produced rich application scenarios, and diversified product demand is expected to bring broad market space. In order to realize the transformation and upgrading of industrialization, the company has gradually built the "second growth curve" of "communication + new energy/energy saving". In the field of "communication + new energy/energy saving", a number of new communication landing scenarios have been realized.

The company relies on good product technology, quality performance and customer communication. On the one hand, the relevant cooperation interface with major domestic operators has been continuously broadened and deepened. And has maintained the status of the main supplier of domestic equipment manufacturers. On the other hand, continue to expand the overseas operator market, and continue to enter the short list of major multinational and regional operators; At the same time, we will continue to deepen our strategic cooperation with international equipment manufacturers. The continuous consolidation of traditional business and the continuous expansion of new business. It is believed that it will lay a good foundation for the expansion of the company's future sales channels and performance growth.

Looking forward to the future, the company will continue to pay attention to both domestic and overseas markets, and continue to cultivate in the field of wireless mobile. Enterprise should be focusing on traditional business areas such as antenna system business and RF subsystem business while they are actively exploring the "5G +" vertical industry applications, and continue to develop and expand in new business areas such as energy conservation and new energy. It is believed that with its stable customer base, excellent product strength and leading R & D system, it will help the company occupy more market share and enter a further stage of development.

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