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MOBI Photovoltaic New Energy — — Helping the "Dual Carbon" Process and Building a Zero Carbon Ecology

In order to help the "dual carbon" process and build a zero-carbon ecosystem, Mobi regards photovoltaic new energy as a key new business that should be promoted by the group, which is focusing on distributed photovoltaic power generation, solar modules are laid on the roof of buildings. After being invert and converged by an inverter, the photovoltaic system is convert into alternating current and connected to a low-voltage bus bar distribution room, provided for the use of electrical equipment.

Distributed photovoltaic power generation technology has a wide range of application prospects in the production and operation of various enterprises. It can avoid the energy loss of long-distance transmission and improve the efficiency of energy utilization. At the same time, because the distributed photovoltaic power generation system can be used immediately, it can reduce the dependence on traditional energy sources, therefore, the energy consumption and waste can be reduced.

Through grid-connected operation, enterprises can sell their surplus electricity to grid companies and increase electricity revenue. Solar power generation can also reduce the cost of energy procurement and improve economic efficiency. Distributed photovoltaic power generation system can provide clean and reliable energy, and improve the production efficiency and product quality of enterprises.

Since last year, Mobi has been committed to becoming a smart new energy integration solution service provider, escorting the new energy industry chain forward. At present, Mobi has been able to undertake the operation and maintenance of photovoltaic related integrated construction and intelligent information construction. And the whole chain service including the supply of related basic products.

At present, the photovoltaic projects under construction and put into use include the No.1 Dormitory Project of Mobi Xi'an Park. Photovoltaic power generation with installed capacity of 69 kWp (annual average power saving of about 80,000 kwh); the installed capacity of No.4 dormitory, No.6, No.7 and No.8 workshops in Mobiji'an Park is 725 kWp (annual average power saving is about 700,000 degrees) photovoltaic power generation; as well as the project of MOBI Shenzhen Nanshan Park Building, the installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation is 120 kWp (about 110,000 degrees of annual electricity saving).

The 352kWp photovoltaic expansion project in Mobi Xi'an Park has been completed and has been formally connected to the grid for power generation, with an estimated annual power saving of about 420000 degrees. In the next 25 years, the project is expected to generate 10.52 million kilowatt-hours of green electricity. All of those mentioned above were achieving the win-win economic and ecological benefits.

In addition, Mobi is actively expanding nearly 10 MWp photovoltaic projects in Heilongjiang and Shaanxi regions. According to the related photovoltaic construction, the output value of photovoltaic brackets and other products has reached more than 8 million yuan.

Mobi will never forget its original intention, move forward, and always practice the concept of green sustainable development and high-quality development. Take photovoltaic new energy as the second growth curve of business development to focus on and promote it for a long time.

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