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Learn from Toyota, promote improvement and reduce cost — The 2022-2023 annual award ceremony for learning from Toyota was successfully held in Guangming Park

In late October 2023, Mobi Group held the award ceremony of the 2022-2023 Mobi Learning Toyota Event in Guangming Park. Company President Hu Xiang, Executive Vice President Kong Weitong, Executive Vice President Zhou Lingbo, Vice President Ye Rong, Vice President Hou Xiaoqiang and other company management. All of them attended the ceremony. The ceremony was also attended by the 2022-2023 Toyota Review Team, 2023 Mofan representatives, representatives of award-winning projects and department colleagues.

At the ceremony, Xu Ke, Director of Personnel Administration, on behalf of the Toyota Learning Review Team, introduced the development of the Toyota Learning Activities and future learnings in 2022-2023. In his speech, Mr. Xu introduced the origin and original intention of learning Toyota, reviewed the spirit of Toyota, and elaborated on this event. Besides, he Chartered and evaluated principles, comments on relevant cases and the development plan of Toyota in the future.

With the support of the company's leaders, the hard work of the judges and the active participation of all employees, the 2022-2023 Toyota Learning Activity, A total of 20 excellent projects were selected, which won the second, third and fourth prizes and encouragement prizes respectively. Vice President Hou Xiaoqiang, Vice President Ye Rong, Executive Vice President Zhou Lingbo and Executive Vice President Kong Weitong presented honors for each award. Certificates and bonuses, representatives of the award-winning projects introduced the award-winning projects respectively.

The company has been promoting the activities of learning from Toyota for more than ten years, and the activities have been deeply rooted in the hearts of employees. They all put forward their own views and suggestions on the company's activities of learning from Toyota or lean production.

Hu Xiang, president of the company, mentioned in his message that thousands of excellent projects have emerged since the company launched the Toyota Learning Activity. This is the crystallization of the employees in Mobi’s wisdom. The main purpose of learning from Toyota is to make customers recognize our products and services, and a better management knows no boarders. Many of Toyota's spirits are always worth learning. The pursuit of excellence in products, the ultimate pursuit of cost-effectiveness and people-oriented should be solidified into the daily operation of the company. All employees should reach a consensus in the activities and continue to promote the activities of learning from Toyota vigorously and solidly.

Planting a grain of millet in spring, harvesting ten thousand seeds in autumn, and another year of harvest, standing at a new starting point, all Mobi people will continue to concentrate. Take advantage of the momentum to advance towards the established goals with more passion and more vigorous fighting spirit. With the successful conclusion of the ceremony, the 2023-2024 annual Toyota learning activities also began. We look forward to more excellent projects in the future.

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