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Academician Yu Shaohua of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and His Delegation Visited Mobijian Company for Investigation and Guidance

On August 15, Yu Shaohua, an academician and expert of the Chinese Academy of Engineering who participated in the 2nd "Lushan Dialogue", visited Mobijian Company for field research.Many constructive suggestions are put forward for industrial development planning and production management, which are beneficial to the development of enterprises.Chen Jinqiao, Deputy Director of the Provincial Science and Technology Department, Yin Donggou, Secretary of the Jizhou District Committee, and Xiong Hongyan, Deputy District Director, accompanied the investigation.

Academician Yu Shaohua and his delegation had a thorough understanding of the production process and manufacturing technique of the workshop of Ji'an Company. This paper puts forward some pertinent suggestions on technological innovation, production management and product design of enterprises. Academician Yu Shaohua believes that in terms of enterprise management, production process management and quality inspection should be further strengthened. We will strive for excellence in product design and lay a more solid foundation for the development of enterprises. At the same time, Academician Yu Shaohua also inquired about the difficulties encountered by enterprises in R & D technology, and gave positive solutions. In addition, he also suggested that the company should participate in the formulation of domestic standards and join some industry associations, and invite more experts to guide the work.Reduce the R & D cycle and expand the private network resources on the basis of ensuring the existing target turnover.

Chen Jinqiao, deputy director of the provincial science and technology department, said that the electronic information industry is the first industry in Ji'an, with a large scale and good prospects for development.As a key enterprise of electronic information industry in Ji'an City, Mobi should give full play to its own advantages and keep up with the industry policy.Find out the direction of enterprise development, seize the opportunity, strive for more resources, and promote the high-quality development of electronic information industry in the old revolutionary areas.

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