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Welcome to the Asia Tech x Singapore 2023---CommunicAsia

Exhibition name: Asia Tech x Singapore 2023, CommunicAsia

Exhibition Period: 7 - 9 June 2023

Exhibition Address: Singapore Expo

Booth No 4C2-01

CommunicAsia 2023 will be held from June 7 – 9, 2023 at the Singapore Expo in Singapore. As the largest standardized sharing platform of communication industry in Asia, CommunicAsia is an important window for industry insiders to look forward to the prospects and understand the current situation of the industry.

Various activities of the exhibition promote the business growth of enterprises with a high degree of industrial relevance and comprehensive, attracting buyers and sellers to negotiate face to face, and jointly discuss the largest achievements of the ICT industry and emerging business opportunities. MOBI will also make a wonderful display at this exhibition. We will be glad to meet you at our booth!


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无法在 System.String 和 System.Int32 上执行“=”操作。
在 System.Data.BinaryNode.SetTypeMismatchError(Int32 op, Type left, Type right) 在 System.Data.BinaryNode.BinaryCompare(Object vLeft, Object vRight, StorageType resultType, Int32 op, CompareInfo comparer) 在 System.Data.BinaryNode.EvalBinaryOp(Int32 op, ExpressionNode left, ExpressionNode right, DataRow row, DataRowVersion version, Int32[] recordNos) 在 System.Data.BinaryNode.Eval(DataRow row, DataRowVersion version) 在 System.Data.DataExpression.Invoke(DataRow row, DataRowVersion version) 在 System.Data.Index.InitRecords(IFilter filter) 在 System.Data.DataTable.GetIndex(IndexField[] indexDesc, DataViewRowState recordStates, IFilter rowFilter) 在 System.Data.DataView.UpdateIndex(Boolean force, Boolean fireEvent) 在 System.Data.DataView.SetIndex2(String newSort, DataViewRowState newRowStates, IFilter newRowFilter, Boolean fireEvent) 在 System.Data.DataView.SetIndex(String newSort, DataViewRowState newRowStates, IFilter newRowFilter) 在 System.Data.DataView.set_RowFilter(String value) 在 Whir.Label.Dynamic.Content.GetColumnFileValue() 位置 D:\work\ezEipV5.0\branches\V530\Whir.Label\Dynamic\Content.cs:行号 124 在 Whir.Label.Dynamic.Content.Render(HtmlTextWriter output) 位置 D:\work\ezEipV5.0\branches\V530\Whir.Label\Dynamic\Content.cs:行号 93